Sunday, June 25, 2006

My Very Own Blog!

Hi! Mom thought it was a good idea to start this webpage for me so Dad can see lots of pics while he's in Iraq. It would've been better to start this sooner, but we just thought of it. Better late than never right? In this picture I'm just hangin out in the kitchen. I'm a big helper. When she's cooking, I like to pull out all of the pots and pans and scatter them around the floor, you know, in case she might need them. I'm helpful like that.

I hope you come back and visit my page again. I'll try to help Mom post pictures often. I want Dad to see what I'm up to and what kind of trouble I'm causing while he's away. Dad thinks I'll be a good boy for him when he gets back....boy does he have another thing comin. Like I said, I'm helpful, but I'm sneaky too. He's gonna have his hands full with me. :)


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