My First Haircut!
This is me just minutes before my first haircut. Aren't I handsome? See how my hair lays so nicely and curls out by my ears?
Here's a view of it from the back. Mom loves my curls on the bottom, and I like it when she plays with them when I'm falling asleep.
There they go! Melanie just chopped my curls in the back right off! Mom was sad, but I think I look like a big boy without them.
See how good I am being in my highchair? It really is hard work to sit still this long while someone has a sharp object near your head. When she turned on the clippers, I just had to look. Mom said that wasn't a good idea though. There was a lot of hair on my tray so I enjoyed playing with it until she finished with the cut.
I guess she had to cut around my ears or something, but I just really wanted to watch. Well have you ever tried to look at your ear? It isn't easy! I just couldn't stop trying to look so Mom had to hold my head and hands. That was no fun at all.
That was rough. I was a good boy though, don't let that picture above fool ya. I sat still real well and Mom was so proud of me. She had to take my shirt off because I was covered in hair! Yuck! She gave me my rockin Elmo guitar though, so it was all good. Have you heard Elmo jam out? I have and let me tell you, he can play a mean guitar. I hope he's around for the next haircut. Dad said I should get a high-and-tight. Mom says maybe when I'm a little older.
Hey pal, its Dad again. I really like your new haircut. I know that men having long hair these days is the style, but Mommy and I thought you should have a taste of everything so you can make your own decision. I can understand why you were upset, when Mommy and Aunt Melanie put you in the highchair, you thought it was time to eat. I get awfully upset when I think I am going to eat and no food appears too. The only thing I will have to warn you about with a fresh new haircut is the chicks. Watch out, they will flock to you, but you have got to be really nice to them because someday you will meet one as wonderful as Mommy and then you will really enjoy treating her nice. I miss you buddy, give your Mommy big kisses from Daddy. Love, Dad
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