Thursday, July 13, 2006

We went to a BBQ and I got to play in a sandbox and run around in the grass with some other kids.
See how the girls are already flocking to me Dad? Must be that haircut you were talkin about...
I had a lot of fun in the sandbox. I don't know how you do it over there though Dad, because I had sand in my pants and even in my diaper!!
See me making friends? Here I am sitting with my new friend Hayden. He's only 4mths older than me but he was really good with a camera. Next time when Mom isn't looking, I'm going to snatch hers and practice on my own.
They wanted photos of all of us together, but I didn't want to stand there all alone. I made Mom hold me so they could take a picture of me with my new friends Hayden & Kyler.


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