Friday, June 30, 2006

Chillin with Great Grandpa

Well Mom never found the camera cord that I hid, so she decided to buy a new one. Here I am hangin out with great grandpa Gillam. He and great grandma came to visit last weekend and I thought we needed some bonding time. I climbed up onto the couch and sat right next to him. He doesn't say too much, so I did most of the talking.
He should consider himself a pretty lucky guy since I'm letting him hold my leg and all. But I was too interested to run off right away.
Hmmmmm....he said something. I'm not so sure what it was but it had to be something about how darn cute I am. I think I'm likin this guy...
I moved to the rocker for a while. I hate to brag, but I am the only one who can use this chair you know. Papa John says it used to be his. I think that's funny. Have you seen him? There's no CHANCE of him fitting in this thing!

You know what, this guy is OK in my book. He really won me over so I decided to hang out on his belly.. It was nice to get away from girls for a while and hang with the guys.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Future MVP

As you can see, these pictures were taken before my cool haircut. Mom hasn't been able to take any recent pictures of me since I hid the camera cord. To tell you the truth, I'm not so sure myself where it is. (Shhhhh, I may have tossed it in the trash one day, so it could be a goner for sure!). So until I get some new headshots taken, I'll go back and show you some older pictures.
Did you know I'm already playing baseball? Yes, I'm starting years ahead of most kids. What can I say? I'm a natural. I may not be able to hit the ball off the tee yet, but come on, I am only one you know. I can put the ball in the hole here to make it shoot up to the tee though! I was Gage's helper this day. He can hit it clear across the yard!

Mom snapped this picture just as I was signing "Where?". Gage had left me and ran around the corner of the house so I couldn't see him. Do you know where he went???
Check out these wheels Dad! I'm practicing up on this one so I'll be ready for the hot wheels you're going to buy me. What? You didn't know about that? Oh yes, I'll have you talked into all kinds of things when you get home. I've already been making out my Christmas list. I know what you're thinking...we've got a while before Santa comes, but I'm making this list out for you and Mom. Just so you're prepared. Hint: I reeeeeeally want a cool tool set so I can work out in the garage with you Dad. I figure if I give you lots of notice, you won't have to ask me when Xmas rolls around. I like to be organized about these kinds of things. Oh, and Murphy wants a friend too.

Monday, June 26, 2006

My First Haircut!

This is me just minutes before my first haircut. Aren't I handsome? See how my hair lays so nicely and curls out by my ears?
Here's a view of it from the back. Mom loves my curls on the bottom, and I like it when she plays with them when I'm falling asleep.
There they go! Melanie just chopped my curls in the back right off! Mom was sad, but I think I look like a big boy without them.
See how good I am being in my highchair? It really is hard work to sit still this long while someone has a sharp object near your head. When she turned on the clippers, I just had to look. Mom said that wasn't a good idea though. There was a lot of hair on my tray so I enjoyed playing with it until she finished with the cut.
I guess she had to cut around my ears or something, but I just really wanted to watch. Well have you ever tried to look at your ear? It isn't easy! I just couldn't stop trying to look so Mom had to hold my head and hands. That was no fun at all.
That was rough. I was a good boy though, don't let that picture above fool ya. I sat still real well and Mom was so proud of me. She had to take my shirt off because I was covered in hair! Yuck! She gave me my rockin Elmo guitar though, so it was all good. Have you heard Elmo jam out? I have and let me tell you, he can play a mean guitar. I hope he's around for the next haircut. Dad said I should get a high-and-tight. Mom says maybe when I'm a little older.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

A Day at the Park

We went to the Sigourney pool for an afternoon last week. The pool wasn't open yet so we had a picnic lunch and played at the park. She thought it was funny to put me in this big lion's mouth for a photo. I didn't know about that. I mean, what if he tried to bite me? Sheesh Mom.
I loved playing in the woodchips. Everytime I'd grab a handful and throw them, they'd stick to my face and arms. It was hot and sunny so Mom was constantly putting sunscreen on me. I found a spot of my own to pile all the woodchips on. It took some hard work, but I did it. Dad would be proud.
My hair sure was getting long. Melanie spiked my hair up & I felt like the coolest kid at the pool. So cool that I didn't think I needed to lessen the coolness by getting wet. I just wasn't feeling the pool vibes this day. So I pretty much stuck with Mom. I sat on her lap for a while and checked out the ladies. I think one was checkin me out but Mom scared her off. Darn Mom.
Yeah, I snuck off and got right out of the pool. They thought they could get me to stay in and play. I sure showed them. Look at my manly figure. Do you see why the girls were lookin? Mom says girls always look at Dad too. Thanks for passin on the good looks Dad.

My Very Own Blog!

Hi! Mom thought it was a good idea to start this webpage for me so Dad can see lots of pics while he's in Iraq. It would've been better to start this sooner, but we just thought of it. Better late than never right? In this picture I'm just hangin out in the kitchen. I'm a big helper. When she's cooking, I like to pull out all of the pots and pans and scatter them around the floor, you know, in case she might need them. I'm helpful like that.

I hope you come back and visit my page again. I'll try to help Mom post pictures often. I want Dad to see what I'm up to and what kind of trouble I'm causing while he's away. Dad thinks I'll be a good boy for him when he gets back....boy does he have another thing comin. Like I said, I'm helpful, but I'm sneaky too. He's gonna have his hands full with me. :)